Who should read this book:
- Anyone interested in gender equality and the ongoing gender inequality in the work environment
- Anyone who has difficulty balancing work and career
- Anyone – male or female – seeking career advice
About the author
Sheryl Sandberg is currently Facebook's Chief Operations Officer (COO). She holds a master's degree in Business Administration from Harvard University.
Previously, she held positions such as: Vice President of Operations at Google, Chief Administrative Officer of the US Treasury Department, consultant at McKinsey & Company, research assistant at the World Bank.
In 2010, she gave a sensational TEDTalk, in which she commented that women are binding themselves in their careers and thus encouraging them to "sit at the table", accepting challenges and risks. , and wholeheartedly pursue career goals.
The Leadership Ambition Gap – Why Should You Be Afraid?
Once upon a time, my grandmother (born in 1917) studied well, she had good business ability. However, the concept of society at that time, girls were only good at housework. A husband's need for financial support from his wife is seen as a sign of inferiority. When Warren Buffett talks about competing with half the world, I think of her and wonder what her life would be like if she were born half a century later.
My mother chose to be a teacher. Mom started studying for a doctorate, got married, and then had to quit her job. The centuries-old division of labor is still there.
Although I grew up in a traditional family, my parents set the same expectations between me, my sister and my brother. The three of us were encouraged to do well in school, to share the housework fairly.
Just two generations away from my grandmother, the playing field seemed level. I was raised to believe that girls can do anything boys can and all career paths welcome me. When I entered college in the fall of 1987, my classmates of both sexes were fully committed to their studies. Boys and girls compete frankly and enthusiastically with each other in class, in activities, and in interviews.
But 20 years after graduating, the world has not progressed as much as I would have liked. Most of the men in the past worked in a professional environment. Compared with their male counterparts, highly trained women withdraw from the labor force at a large rate.
What happened? Combining career and life aspirations turned out to be a bigger challenge than we imagined.
The years that need to be fully invested in our careers, the biological clock tells us to have children. Our partners don't share the housework or take care of the kids, and so we live in a situation of 2-3 jobs at the same time. The workplace has not changed in time and has not given us flexible options to take care of the housework. We didn't anticipate this, we were caught by surprise.
If my generation is too naive, the next generation is too pragmatic. Many girls have seen their mother "do everything" and decide to let go. And that's usually a career.
There is no question that women have the skills to lead at work. Girls are getting high marks in school. However, if compliance and raising hands are praised in schools, why are they not appreciated in the workplace? Getting ahead at work often depends on risk-taking and self-confidence – traits that are discouraged in women.
The road to providing qualified human resources does not lack women at the beginning, but at the leadership stage it is crowded with men.
Aspiration for career success in men is seen as inevitable while for women it is innocuous – or even worse, judged as negative. “She is so ambitious!” not a compliment. Women's success comes at a price.
And despite progress, women are still under pressure to marry at a young age. By the age of twenty-five, I was married and divorced. At the time, I felt this was a crushing defeat for my image. Over the years, I've found that no matter how successful I am at work, it can't erase the two words "divorce" engraved on my chest. It wasn't until 10 years later that I learned the truth that good people don't get robbed, and I happily married Dave Goldberg.
Many people argue with me that it's not about ambition. I admit that there are physiological differences between men and women. However, in today's world where we no longer hunt for food, the desire to lead is largely culturally created and reinforced.
Young women look to social indicators to define appropriate behavior and thereby force themselves to remain silent. Gender stereotypes begin in infancy and become self-fulfilling prophecy.
The same is true of wages. Men are generally expected to earn more than women. And that's the reality. The “Stereotype threat” reduces the intention of women to enter the technical field. The role model of a woman at work is also not very attractive. If the female character spends time with work and family at the same time, she is bound to feel confused and guilty.
Therefore, fear is at the root of many barriers that women have to overcome. Fear of not being loved. Fear of making the wrong choice. Fear of attracting bad attention. I'm afraid I'm going too far. Fear of being judged. Fear of failure. And the biggest fear: fear of being a bad mother, wife, child.
Not fear! Women can pursue to succeed in career and in life; the freedom to choose either – or both.
I believe we need to encourage women to reach leadership positions. We need to create a more gender-equal world. Women must be encouraged to believe in themselves and have leadership ambitions. Men should be encouraged to join hands to find solutions by supporting women at work and in the family.
Be confident, sit at the table and work hard
During the meeting with the Ministry of Finance at Facebook, the female members of the Ministry of Finance did not sit at the table, they chose to sit in chairs placed on either side of the wall. They have the same right to participate in the meeting as other members, because they are invited. But their sitting position is more like an observer than a participant. Women have hindered themselves, I feel disappointed. But I also completely understood their insecurities, they had the feeling that they were impostors with limited skills and abilities.
Women often underestimate their results. When they succeed, they attribute it to external factors, "lucky" or "helped by many people". When they fail, they often believe that they are incompetent. This way of thinking leads to serious consequences later on.
As with many other things, lack of confidence can make predictions come true. I don't know how to convince others that I'm the best at what I do, or even convince myself. To this day, I still joke, I wish I had a few hours a day to feel as confident as my brother.
And it's not just women who torment themselves. Colleagues and the media are also very quick to attribute women's success to external factors.
Whenever I don't feel confident enough, I apply a tactic I've learned and sometimes helpful: "fake it up". My husband Dave and I also have times when the rice is not healthy and the soup is not sweet, but when we start to fight each other, we have to go to a friend's house for dinner. We have to put on a happy face and smile “everything is great”. And after a few hours, that's exactly what happened.
We often see people who are extremely confident (even though there's nothing to be confident about), and then they get a lot done. Or when we are in a frustrating situation, angry at someone, but trying to pretend everything is normal in front of everyone, the anger or frustration passes quickly and everything will be great again.
Feeling confident, pretending to feel confident is necessary to approach the opportunity. Since opportunity is not offered, one has to grab it. During my six and a half years at Google, I employed more than 4,000 people. What I've noticed is that the majority of men seize opportunities more quickly than women. Women, on the other hand, are very cautious when it comes to changing positions or finding new challenges. The world is moving very fast, so seizing opportunities is more important than ever.
There is never an absolute match when you are looking for a great opportunity. Seize the opportunity and make it work for you, instead of waiting in the opposite direction. Women are less inclined to raise their hands high, we have to correct this behavior, because when we lower our hands, even managers with good intentions often don't notice us.
I know my success is due to my hard work, the help of many people. I cherish and deeply appreciate those who have given me the opportunity and supported me. No one can do it all by themselves. But I also knew that in order to continue to grow and challenge myself, I had to believe in my abilities. I still have to deal with situations that I think are beyond my control. I still have times when I feel like a fake. But now I've learned to breathe deeply, keep my hands up, and I've learned to sit at the table.
Success and love are not necessarily two factors that go hand in hand with women
So all women need to do is ignore social stereotypes, act confident, sit at the table, work hard, and then everything will go smoothly?
Through many studies, it has been concluded that: Success and being loved are two factors that go hand in hand for men but opposite for women.
Our stereotype of men is protective, assertive, determined. Women are family caregivers, sensitive, community living.
I believe this bias is at the core of what holds women back.
If a woman is adamant about getting the job done, if she is competitive, more concerned with results than pleasing others; she behaves like a man, people will hate her. If a woman is competent, she seems to lack the element of tenderness. If a woman is cute, people judge her as cute rather than competent. To cope with these negative reactions, women downplay their career goals. We humble ourselves before being influenced by others.
Behaving in accordance with gender norms makes it difficult for women to seize opportunities like men, but if they go against prejudice and seek opportunities, women are judged unworthy and selfish. While women have to sit at the same table and create their own success, it is this act that makes people love them less.
In fact, a woman explaining why she rates herself as qualified and mentioning previous successes in an interview can reduce her chances of getting hired.
This pincer is sometimes not enough to hold back, but gender stereotypes also force women to do more work without receiving more praise. When men help a colleague, the person being helped feels grateful and ready to return the favor. But when women help, the feeling of indebtedness is much lighter. When a woman refuses to help a colleague, she often receives less favorable evaluation and less reward. As for the man who refuses to help, he is fine.
For men, the request is nothing to be afraid of. But women are expected to know how to care for others, so when they promote themselves and show their worth, they will get a bad reaction. Colleagues of both sexes are reluctant to work with a woman who has demanded a higher salary. She was deemed too demanding.
The goal of negotiation is to achieve your goals, but still keep the peace that makes people like you. When negotiating, to increase the chances of achieving the desired outcome, women must be gentle, but persistent, uncompromising. Smile often, show appreciation, emphasize larger goals with shared interests.
But just using a collective approach is not enough. The second thing women have to do is come up with a good reason to negotiate. Men do not need to give reasonable reasons to negotiate; they are expected to fend for themselves. Women, on the other hand, must justify their claims.
In addition, just being gentle won't win. Gentleness sends out the message that women are willing to sacrifice wages to be liked. Therefore, gentleness must be combined with perseverance. Most negotiations require constant, calculated moves, so women have to be focused and smile.
Before we get there, I worry that women will have to continue to sacrifice likability in exchange for success. Before I joined Facebook, a local blog spent a lot of ink smearing me. I cried a lot. I lose sleep. I worry my career will end. I have drawn up many ways to retaliate, but in the end the best way is to ignore the malicious attacks and do my job well.
Learning how to deal with criticism is essential for women. Allow yourself to react to your emotions and then quickly forget them to move on. Look at children as an example, maybe they cry now but then run and play right away.
Mark Zuckerberg told me, when you want change, you can't please everyone. If you're pleasing everyone, you're not moving forward.
Women tend to avoid taking risks in their careers, which can cause them to become stagnant
Gone are the days of joining an organization and staying there to climb the ladder. A career is a climbing frame, not a ladder.
The ladder is limited – one can go up and down or one can leave it. Climbing frames bring more creative discoveries. The ladder has only one way to the top, but with climbing frames there are more ways to the top.
The climbing frame is suitable for everyone, especially women just starting out in their careers, transitioning careers, or returning to work after a period of retreat. It has the ability to create a unique path with steep slopes, detours, or even dead ends. But people are satisfied with their success. On a ladder, most climbers are forced to look at the butt of the person on top.
We all want to have a job or a mission that's really interesting to us. This process requires both focus and flexibility, so I suggest pursuing two goals at the same time: your life's dream and your 18-month plan.
The climbing frame is probably the best illustration of my career. I can't connect the pre-existing dots from the start up to now. First, Mark Zuckerberg was only 7 years old when I graduated from college. Also, technology and I didn't exactly have a good relationship back then. When I graduated, I was still very uncertain about my future.
My first job after graduation was as a research assistant at the World Bank. Here I am joining a medical fact group in India in an effort to eliminate the dreaded leprosy here.
Then I returned to Washington with plans to attend law school, but Pritchett convinced me to go into business. I went back to Cambridge to join the nonprofit with Professor Kash Rangan. After graduating from business school, I took a job as a consultant at McKinsey & Company; then returned to Washington to work at the Treasury Department; For a time here I became the head of the financial management department of the Ministry.
The first technology boom, my dream came back, I decided to move to Silicon Valley, I was offered a job at Google. I was the first person to hold the position of “Business Unit Operations Manager”. But actually there is nothing to do business, the work is very vague.
I recall Eric Schmidt's advice: "The key criterion when choosing a job - growing fast". When a company grows rapidly, there will be more work to do than many people to do. When the company grows slowly, there is not much to do and too many people jostling. I decided at that moment. Google is small and messy, but it's a rocket with a mission that I believe in.
After 6 years at Google, I decided I had to move. I decided to take the risk again and come to Facebook. People ask me why accept a "lower" position and work for a 23-year-old guy? Now no one asks questions anymore. In life I am not one to welcome surprises. But at work, I've learned to accept the unexpected and even welcome it. I have seen many people pass up great opportunities when they were focused on the career hierarchy.
In many cases, women need to be willing to take risks in their careers – the risks are great but the rewards are even greater. Of course, avoiding risk is a good thing, but avoiding risk often leads to stagnation. Many women choose the safe and secure path that can make them hesitant to take on big challenging responsibilities. Of course in life, sometimes avoiding risk is good, but in business, avoiding risk leads to stagnation.
One reason women avoid difficult and challenging responsibilities is that they worry too much about whether they have the skills to secure a new role. An internal report at HP shows that women only apply when they meet 100% of the requirements while men apply when they think they meet about 60%.
Hard work, good results should be recognized but if this is not the case, self-promotion is necessary. Taking risks, being determined to grow, challenging yourself, and asking for a promotion are important factors in a career. Don't wait for people to offer you power.
Whether or not women seek mentors depends on their ability and potential
"Is this my mentor?" If we ask a question, the answer is usually no.
When you find a mentor, you don't have to ask because everything is clear.
The problem is not the importance of the mentor. Since it is harder for women to find mentors than men, they are actively looking for them. This energy source is sometimes misplaced. Chasing or forcing a relationship to form is often ineffective. Strong relationships must come from a genuine connection and after much effort on both sides.
Asking a stranger to be your mentor is rarely achievable, but approaching a stranger with a thorny, serious question can pay off. Studies show that mentors choose mentees based on ability and potential. Intuitively, they choose to invest in people with outstanding talents that will really grow with help.
I am fortunate to have very good mentors and sponsors. They only taught me with their own lives, their wisdom helped me avoid mistakes. I have also tried to be a mentor to others.
Mentoring is a two-way relationship, especially in situations where two people are already working in the same company. They will have more useful information, cohesion, a sense of living more fully and proudly. Each learns from the other's expertise and talents. That relationship can turn into a friendship, but above all it's still a business relationship.
Young women often send the message “find a mentor and you will stand out”. That is a misconception. Instead, we have to tell them: “Stand up, and you will find a mentor.”
Many women avoid close contact with male leaders because they are afraid of inferences, whenever men and women meet, there is a bad emotional element. This thinking needs to stop. The person involved must also ensure they have professional behavior and attitudes so that women and men feel safe in any situation. Many companies are starting to move from informal mentoring that relies on individuals to more formal programs that take the pressure off young women.
Don't be afraid to seek the truth and how to speak it
As children grow up, we teach them to be polite, to think before opening their mouth, not to hurt others. When it comes to thinking about the right way to talk, people lose their authenticity.
Honest communication is not always easy, but it is the foundation for building relationships in the family and creating efficiency at work.
They often avoid the truth to protect themselves and others. This shyness causes all kinds of problems. Being honest in an extremely difficult working environment. Every organization has a hierarchy, which means that one person's work is judged by how others feel.
Many women who speak honestly in the work environment are often accompanied by many fears: fear of being seen as unfit, fear of being judged negatively, fear of drawing attention to themselves that could lead to assault. labour.
Communication is most effective when we combine authenticity and relevance, finding a balance when contributions are subtly honest, not naked. Telling the truth without hurting others is something to learn and practice.
To overcome this problem and to communicate effectively, we need to match the truth and relevance, finding the balance in a subtle way, not naked. I myself definitely needed help in this regard and fortunately I found it.
The truth should be told in simple, nuanced and delicate words. People don't want to hurt each other, especially their boss. Speaking frankly, telling the truth at work is difficult, telling the truth when giving personal feedback is even harder.
At Facebook, Mark and I are committed to giving each other feedback on what we are not satisfied with at the end of each week, when it becomes a habit, we speak up as soon as there is a problem, not wait until the weekend. Sharing honest feedback becomes part of our relationship.
For us, this is extremely important. If my co-workers don't dare to tell the truth, I haven't let them know I'm open to feedback.
“How can it be better?” "What am I doing that I can't see?" "What am I doing that I don't know?" These questions lead to many benefits. And you should also believe me, the truth hurts. Even when I ask for a refund, the evaluation still causes pain. But the bright spot from this painful amount of knowledge actually outweighs the joy of ignorance.
Counseling also helps build relationships. Asking too much is not good, but for us, it is extremely important.
If I want to receive a lot of comments, it is my responsibility to clarify what I want. I told them I wanted regular feedback. When people are open and honest, thanking them in front of people helps them sustain the action and share it with others. At a barbecue four years ago, an intern told Mark that he should practice his public speaking skills. Mark thanked him in front of everyone and asked to arrange an official position.
Humor is a great tool to gently convey a genuine message. Sadly, humor leaves us when we need it most. When I'm bitter, it's hard for me to see things in a humorous way.
Surveys show that most women believe that crying at work is not a good idea. I never intended to do that. But on the rare occasions when I feel frustrated, annoyed, or worse, betrayed, tears still fill my eyes. Even as I'm older and more experienced, I still get this from time to time.
Sharing emotions creates deep relationships. Now I really believe in bringing people to work. I no longer assume that one does not have to wear a professional face all week long. Instead of putting on a work-specific fake face, I think we would benefit more from being honest.
Not all offices and colleagues are generous and sharing, but the line between work and life is being blurred.
Maybe one day, shedding tears at work is no longer seen as shameful or weak, but merely as an expression of genuine affection. And maybe the sensitivity and sympathy that used to be a barrier for women will become a strength to help them be real leaders in the future.
We must promote change by committing ourselves to finding and speaking the truth.
Don't give up before officially withdrawing
From a young age, girls are instilled with the message that they must choose between being successful at work or being a good mother. As women grow older, women think about trade-offs between personal and professional goals. When given a choice between marriage and a career, female students were twice as likely to choose marriage as male students.
But planning too early in the career and family mix can cause the door to close instead of open. Women rarely make the big decision to quit their job, instead, they make small decisions along the way, yielding and sacrificing little by little when they believe it will help their family. Of all the barriers posed by women, the most common is that they give up before they actually quit.
I concur with deliberate preparation. But by not looking for opportunities to challenge themselves during the years of waiting for motherhood, they fell behind.
Motherhood is a wonderful and necessary choice for many people. This is an important job that requires a lot of responsibility and also brings a lot of fun. My argument is to withdraw only when necessary or when the baby is born, not before, much less years before that.
The baby-preparing years are not a time to retreat, but an important time to move forward. Because when you go back to work after having a baby, you will feel less fully dedicated, this time you will limit your ambition to the maximum.
Life is different, so I never advise every woman to move on regardless of the situation. I myself sometimes choose to withdraw.
Choosing to leave your child in the care of someone else to return to work is a difficult decision. Any parent who has been through it, myself included, knows how heartbreaking it is. Only a worthy, challenging job can partially compensate. And even when a decision is made, parents still have the right to regularly reassess the situation.
Those who are lucky have the opportunity to choose, leave these options open. Don't just step into your career and find a way out. Don't keep your foot on the brake pedal. Let's speed up! Keep your foot on the gas pedal until you have made a decision. That's the only way to make sure that when the time comes, you'll make a serious decision.
A life partner must really be a life partner
Being a mother was a wonderful experience for me, but giving birth was not. When I gave birth to my first child, which was a difficult case, the doctor had to intervene. The next morning, I got out of bed, took a step, and collapsed to the floor; I had to wear crutches for a week. Dave, my husband, became the babysitter.
We should have prepared more before giving birth. We have discussed how to do this and that, but most of it is just vague and unrealistic because we have no experience.
Dave and I don't work together in the city. After the baby was born, Dave had to fly back and forth several times a week. This was not a good solution even though he was trying very hard. In the end, Dave had to sacrifice his job, returning to work in the same city.
My friend Scott, every time he goes on a business trip, often receives a phone call from his wife, asking how to prepare breakfast and lunch for the children. This story of "changing the throne" is not strange, as told by Scott is both cute and funny. Mothers are born with the gift of taking care of their children, but fathers do just as well if they have knowledge and efforts; The problem comes from perception.
The birth of a child, immediately changes our definition of ourselves: husband and wife into parents, our priorities completely change. But the time and money invested in your career, if you give up, it is not reasonable.
When a woman asked me how my husband would share the care of the children, I told her to let him wear diapers any way he wanted. If he is forced to do the right thing, he will withdraw. Don't let him think he's doing it for help, not for the sake of the mission.
I truly believe that a woman's most important career decision is whether or not she should find a partner, and who it is. I have never met a female leader who did not have her partner's full support in her career. We need to encourage men to take a more active role in the family.
If you want to have a real life partner, you must treat the other person as an equal friend, an equal partner. What about skills? You keep having fun even when he's wearing diapers the wrong way; Gradually he also learned from experience and did better.
When you want to lay the foundation of a family, find someone who is a true peer. Equal responsibility sharing between parents is a model for the next generation.
Now we know that women can do what men can too. But we don't know if men can do what women do. We should give them a chance to prove themselves. The good news is that young men in the future are more eager to be equal partners than previous generations.
Brave, sensitive, amazing men of all ages are still out there. As women increasingly appreciate kindness and support from their boyfriends, men will show it even more. Women are increasingly involved in work, men must also be involved in the family.
Balancing career and family is always a difficult problem
"Both two ways". It can be said that this is the biggest trap of women. We cannot achieve this wish. Pursuing both career growth and personal life is a noble goal and is also achievable to some extent.
Laurie Glimcher says the key to pursuing her career while raising children is knowing how to prioritize concerns: “I have to decide what is important, what is not, and I learn to be perfect only in the things that are truly essential.”
I think she is a genius. We are all limited in time and patience. No matter how much you plan, it's impossible to fully prepare for the challenges that keep coming, and it's impossible to control the events of motherhood. And it is also difficult to distinguish which aspects are necessary in the work.
Sometimes the situation is not clear and the boundaries are not easy to set. In my opinion, doing is better than waiting for perfect. Aiming for perfection only adds to your frustration, and even paralyzes you. Things will get a little messy, but mess is acceptable. It will be complicated, but have fun in the complexity. Doing it, while still challenging, turns out to be easier to achieve and more comfortable.
Today, technology has reduced the importance of time in the office, as work is done over the network. However, the habit of evaluating employees by time in the office instead of the quality of work is still common.
We should create a new concept, shift to focus on results that will benefit individuals and help companies operate more efficiently and competitively. As General Colin Powell said, “I pay for the quality of the work, not for the time in the office.”
Although technology frees us from the existing office, it has the effect of prolonging the working day.
My generation is suffering a lot due to the endless working hours. For years I tried to solve this by cutting back on my sleep. But lack of sleep makes people restless, irritable, and confused. My first six months at Facebook were extremely hard. The company worked the "night owl" hours of the engineers. I was concerned that if I left too soon I would stand out as an obnoxious old woman. But if that's the case then I can't have dinner with the kids. I forced myself to leave the office at 5:30 and once I did, I had more confidence to maintain.
I still struggle with the trade-off between work and family every day. Every woman is like that and I know I am luckier than many.
I still want to do more for my children. Managing guilt is just as important as controlling time with moms. Mothers feel guilty all the time because work affects the family. Fathers are not.
I love my job, I love the wonderful and intelligent people I work with. I also love spending time with my children. It would be fun if the two worlds interacted with each other. Instead of trying to be perfect, we aim for stability and fulfillment. The goal is for children to be happy and thriving.
If I had to choose one definition of success, in my opinion, success is making the best choices and accepting them.
Time to discuss and speak up about women's rights and gender equality
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like without being labeled by gender. People call me "the female director". The word "female" adds a hint of surprise. No one wants to be successful but is only described as an adjective.
A joke about a woman who took a feminist study course but got angry when people called her a feminist. That was my attitude when I went to college. We don't see it having the opposite effect on other women around us. I still carry this attitude when I go to work. I simply thought that if sexism persisted, I would prove it wrong.
Although gender is not openly acknowledged, it still hovers very close to the surface. I began to see a difference in attitudes towards women. Employees are evaluated not on their objective working attitude but on their ability to integrate.
But I don't think this is the right approach. We need to be allowed to talk about our gender without fear of people thinking we're complaining, demanding special treatment, or suing. Silence and trying to fit in may be the only thing that the first generation of working women has to endure. But this strategy doesn't help women in general. Instead, we need to speak up, identify the barriers that hold women back, and find solutions.
Over time, I began to see female friends and female colleagues gradually withdraw from work due to volition, frustration, not being allowed to work flexible hours or because husbands could not help with the work. raise children. Others continue to work but limit their ambitions.
All the responses from the TED talk "How do women succeed at work?" persuaded me to speak up and encouraged many others to speak up. Women, especially those at lower levels, are concerned that gender issues will make them unprofessional or be seen as blaming others.
At Facebook, I teach managers how to encourage women to share their birth plans and help them advance in their careers. Every job requires sacrifice. The point is to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Action is difficult but the benefits are many. Social benefits are not distributed. You have to catch them.
I now proudly call myself a feminist. I believe progress is due to our willingness to speak out about the impact gender has on us. We cannot continue to pretend to be biased or evasive.
Summary – Gender equality needs the support of both men and women
I admit that women in the developed world have better lives than ever before, but the real goal of equality still eludes us. For decades we've focused on giving women the choice to work indoors or out. But why don't we encourage women to rise to leadership positions. Neither men nor women have a real choice yet.
Men need to support women and women need to support women too. We are a new generation and we need a new approach.
In the future, there will be no more female leaders. Leadership is simply leadership. And I believe this will create a better world, half women-led organizations and half men-led families.
I look forward to the new world I want for my children – as well as for myself.
If we find our true passion, wherever we are, we are all committed – our best.