In the book, “content marketing” expert Joe Pulizzi shows you how to become a “media leader” and grow “content” like a traditional media company. Anyone can use this simple approach to dominate the market without going through sales, businesses with limited capital can build a huge network of customers online, create bike for their business.
Target audience
For small businesses or startups, the book serves as a foundation and long-term development framework for a marketing strategy, bringing in "loyal" customers in the sales process.
For marketers at larger corporations, the book will be a springboard to further their careers, helping them achieve more originality and quality in each content category.
About the author
Joe Pulizzi has been the Vice President of Penton Custom Media Group since the early 2000s. He left Penton in 2007 and started the Content Marketing Institute, founding the magazine Chief Content Officer Marketing. , organizes the Content Marketing World trade show, publishes books from the company Content Inc, and he even came up with the historical concept of “Content Marketing”. In other words, a lot of interesting things related to Content Marketing are clearly mentioned in this book by him.
The term "Content Marketing"
As a go-to-market approach, instead of distracting customers with ads that are not relevant to them, we create valuable, engaging and relevant content on a consistent basis, from there over time, creating a customer group and a change in customer behavior that is profitable.
Set goals to rise
There is a huge difference between having a goal in mind and writing it down, putting it into action and being determined to achieve it. Although this book is primarily about “Content Marketing,” Joe makes sure that clearly listing every goal from small to large is the key to success. This approach makes it possible to prioritize and scale business models.
The Six Steps of the Content Inc Model
Joe Pulizzi designed these six basic steps to help readers develop an effective “Content” model.
1. Sweet spot : A blend of passion and core knowledge
2. “Content” Arena : Define clearly what makes you different from the competition
3. Building a platform : Clearly defining the distribution of "Content" channels for the platform to post and publish relevant information
4. “Harvesting” customers : Leveraging many different methods to attract customers
5. Diversify : Break out of the foundation channels, find new richer colors.
6. Circulation of money : Once you have scaled the model, how will you turn it into income?
Why is Content Marketing?
Content Inc delivers incredibly high engagement results. Readers will be thoroughly guided through the 6 steps above through specific examples of action as well as side resources. In addition, readers can watch inspirational presentations from companies like Razor Social, Lego, Marriott to find love with Content Marketing.
So why do we love Content Marketing? Get rid of the idea that marketers can only sell, not create breakthroughs in their work. You can always upgrade to your “lowest” for a better job and a better life for your clients. Content Marketing is the only form of marketing that creates value even when you're not buying or selling anything. Is that all we're aiming for? Provide better life value?
Three things that you need to understand
The way we still do to start a business and develop a business is no longer suitable for the process of receiving information from society. Today, for long-term development, building a network of "loyal" customers with excellent content is always the best way.
Although the book is not a get-rich-quick secret, it is unlikely to create immediate visible interactions in your business, but if you consistently follow the 6 steps mentioned above, you are sure to will be successful. Anyone, regardless of business large or small, can apply these 6 great steps.
Opponents can always copy everything about us but one thing – the way we communicate. That's why building and providing customers with unique content is something we should do as a marketer, business owner or communication specialist.
Some acquired facts
A lot of companies don't spend enough time on the second step of the "Content" Arena to determine what "areas" they should be operating in and providing information to the world around them.
Many people are impatient. Everything takes time and so does Content Inc. Only with dedication, time and the desire to understand customer psychology can you apply 6 steps as a springboard to business development.